All Categories Release Notes V - 18th Dec 2023

V - 18th Dec 2023

Here is what's new in build version, December 18, 2023

New Features implemented:

  • Autoscroll on Instagram profiles and posts now extract Followers on a CSV file

  • Pageshot and Autoscroll Acquisitions now creates a A4 PDF file containing all the screenshots collected, ready to be printed

  • Added option to automatically close an autoscroll acquisition once completed. (you launch the acquition at night and in the morning you will find the Acquistion package ready)

Minor Improvements applied:

  • Minor GUI improvement

  • Now the Acquisition Browser opens in the same monitor where the Case Manager is.

  • Optimised the Extraction of Facebook groups member into CSV

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed a rare Crash in some computer using a tweaked Nvidia Quadro video card.

Known Bug:

  • In rare computer configuration TShark will generate a generic error. Eviquire detects the Error and mark the acqusition as "corrupted".

Forensic bugs:

  • No bugs have been discovered that require a specific mention in a Court of Law.

SHA256 Hash:
Windows Installer - 1E7A01B2E7F934F88FAE26E9F7612277252E1A2BFA3FB1B8C223E9C86269010A
Linux Installer - 5AC2C0AE121CDE0974C9DABED5120BDA9AC5CA90204A83EFCC545C697FC20956

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