All Categories Release Notes V2.0 - 22nd May 2023

V2.0 - 22nd May 2023

Here is what's new in build version, May 22, 2023

New Features implemented:

  • Integration Eviquire Cloud;

  • Split screen mode;

Major Improvements applied:

  • Drag and drop to import the case from Eviquire Cloud or other Eviquire instances;

  • Bigger loader icon;

  • Reports changes;

  • Minor improvements (columns, versions);

  • Eviquire able to launch not only on the main monitor;

Bug Fixes:

  • AutoScroll Element doing Pageshots stuck;

  • Removed path from hashlist.txt of actual case/acquisition;

  • User agent reset on every new acquisition;

  • Http headers database path;

  • Pageshot minor issues;

  • Proxy issues;

  • RAM usage issues;

Forensic bugs:

  • No bugs have been discovered that require a specific mention in a Court of Law.

SHA256 Hash:
Windows Installer - 6e7df7ba194f17a9bd9a0cb0418bc3f8b17072d53b9b4244dbc96b1e831f0d40
Linux Installer - c4293f7bce3e707954ed700f591b85633ce90da9ec2ca396ae93ea2ea3f6f53e

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